B38 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B38 9 is a postcode sector in Birmingham, UK. Below is a complete list of B38 9 Postcodes (Active). B38 9 postcode sector comprises of 210 active postcodes. B38 9 sector has a population of 10250, and it has 4306 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B38 9 postcode sector

B38 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10250
Addresses / Property Count 4306
Active Postcodes 210
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of B38 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 210 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B38 9AA 52.40559000 -1.92820200 26 45 404981 278623
B38 9AB 52.40346500 -1.92381000 8 24 405280 278387
B38 9AD 52.40271700 -1.92859500 11 25 404955 278303
B38 9AE 52.40339900 -1.92722700 23 49 405048 278379
B38 9AF 52.40373000 -1.92471300 32 92 405219 278416
B38 9AG 52.40405500 -1.92702000 49 118 405062 278452
B38 9AH 52.40503200 -1.92783500 18 49 405006 278561
B38 9AJ 52.40561900 -1.92551800 54 151 405164 278626
B38 9AL 52.40692100 -1.92392900 40 107 405272 278771
B38 9AN 52.40711100 -1.92500100 20 50 405199 278792
B38 9AP 52.40619400 -1.92604700 22 57 405128 278690
B38 9AQ 52.40455500 -1.92699800 24 66 405063 278508
B38 9AR 52.40634400 -1.92648100 25 57 405098 278707
B38 9AS 52.40643800 -1.92729600 17 42 405043 278717
B38 9AT 52.40648400 -1.92120300 N/A N/A 405457 278723
B38 9AW 52.41716500 -1.93014500 N/A N/A 404848 279910
B38 9AX 52.39587100 -1.93743900 N/A N/A 404354 277541
B38 9AY 52.39569600 -1.93641700 N/A N/A 404424 277522
B38 9BB 52.39862500 -1.92653000 64 161 405096 277848
B38 9BD 52.39966700 -1.93131200 2 4 404770 277964
B38 9BE 52.40216900 -1.92921300 2 6 404913 278242
B38 9BG 52.40269700 -1.92656700 20 50 405093 278301
B38 9BH 52.40174200 -1.92754600 4 12 405026 278195
B38 9BJ 52.40227500 -1.92653800 9 30 405095 278254
B38 9BL 52.40194200 -1.92598000 19 52 405133 278217
B38 9BN 52.40169000 -1.92562800 9 46 405157 278189
B38 9BP 52.40158300 -1.92687700 22 62 405072 278177
B38 9BQ 52.39910600 -1.92467000 2 4 405222 277902
B38 9BS 52.40205900 -1.92696500 1 4 405066 278230
B38 9BT 52.40117800 -1.92705400 21 46 405060 278132
B38 9BU 52.39946000 -1.92519100 35 117 405187 277941
B38 9BX 52.40123300 -1.92886200 42 82 404937 278138
B38 9BY 52.40073000 -1.92936300 42 85 404903 278082
B38 9BZ 52.40048700 -1.92871600 20 37 404947 278055
B38 9DA 52.40022700 -1.92989300 37 65 404867 278026
B38 9DB 52.39961600 -1.93039300 41 81 404833 277958
B38 9DE 52.39810600 -1.93154200 N/A N/A 404755 277790
B38 9DF 52.40265300 -1.92719900 4 11 405050 278296
B38 9DH 52.39944400 -1.93381100 1 5 404600 277939
B38 9DP 52.39751600 -1.94283700 2 8 403987 277724
B38 9DQ 52.39976700 -1.93206100 9 12 404720 277975
B38 9DR 52.40000700 -1.92879800 2 2 404941 278002
B38 9DS 52.39378300 -1.95246000 3 7 403332 277308
B38 9DT 52.40100900 -1.93505800 N/A N/A 404515 278113
B38 9DU 52.40041700 -1.93250900 28 40 404689 278047
B38 9DW 52.39744200 -1.93870800 N/A N/A 404267 277716
B38 9DX 52.40155900 -1.93216900 50 101 404712 278174
B38 9DY 52.40009400 -1.93220000 37 54 404710 278011
B38 9DZ 52.40103700 -1.93089100 51 110 404799 278116
B38 9EA 52.37666900 -1.92879100 19 35 404945 275406
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